Towards Freedom "Dunluce Castle, Northern Ireland" is a captivating piece by the renowned Northern Irish artist, Ann Feely. This painting perfectly encapsulates the enchanting essence of Dunluce Castle, imbuing it with a unique allure through Ann's distinctive artistic style. This piece is not just a tribute to a historical landmark but also creatively channels the mystical and labyrinthine world of David Bowie's iconic movie, "Labyrinth". The intertwining of reality and fantasy is as entrancing as the labyrinth itself, drawing the viewer into an unfolding narrative of history, magic, and boundless imagination. This original painting is a testament to Ann Feely's skillful fusion of real-world beauty with the fantastical elements of pop culture. Pricing for this extraordinary artwork is available upon request, offering you the chance to bring a piece of Northern Irish history and cinematic magic into your own space.